Implement Table of Contents on long-form content for better UX and anchor links

Explanation & Implementation Guide


Adding a table of contents (TOC) to Shopify pages helps enhance the user experience by making it easier to navigate lengthy articles. This feature allows users to see a clear outline of the content and jump directly to sections of interest. By incorporating anchor links and a TOC, you improve accessibility and engagement, which can contribute to better SEO rankings.

Implementation Guide

Introduce the Purpose of a TOC:

  • Start with a brief explanation of why a table of contents is being implemented.
  • Highlight how it improves navigation and makes content more user-friendly, especially for longer posts.
Introduce the Purpose of a TOC

Identify Suitable Content:

  • Pinpoint articles or pages that qualify as long-form content. These are usually pieces with multiple sections or covering detailed topics.

Create the TOC:

  • Use a text or HTML editor to manually draft the TOC.
  • List the main headings (e.g., H2 tags) with their corresponding anchor links.
Create the TOC

Place the TOC Strategically:

  • Insert the TOC near the top of the article, right after the introduction.
  • Make sure the TOC is visually appealing and easy to interact with.
Place the TOC Strategically
  • Assign a unique anchor link to each section of the article.
  • Use descriptive, SEO-friendly text for each link to make it relevant to both users and search engines.
  • Connect each TOC item to its respective section by linking it to the corresponding anchor.
  • Ensure clicking on a TOC entry navigates users smoothly to the right part of the page.

Enable Smooth Scrolling

  • Implement smooth scrolling for a better user experience. This feature ensures transitions to different sections feel seamless and professional.

Test the TOC

  • Gather user feedback and refine the TOC based on their suggestions.
  • Check the functionality of the TOC and anchor links across various browsers and devices.

Fixing the Issue

Add a TOC for Better Navigation:

  • Begin by creating a TOC or jumplinks to help users navigate lengthy articles.
  • Start with a short introduction that explains what the article covers.
Add a TOC for Better Navigation

Generate Jumplinks for Headings:

  • Include a section titled “What this article covers” or “Table of Contents” at the top.
  • List the key headings (H2 tags) in this section and turn them into jumplinks.
Generate Jumplinks for Headings

Use H2 Tags for Reference:

  • Preview the article to identify all H2 tags.
  • Copy these headings into the TOC section for easy reference.
  • Use an anchor format for titles:
    • Example: For a heading “How Solar Panels Work,” create an anchor like #how-solar-panels-work.
  • Add the anchor link in the HTML view by including an id attribute:
    Copy code
    <h2 id=”how-solar-panels-work”>How Solar Panels Work</h2>
Create Anchor Links

Verify Functionality:

  • Test the TOC to ensure each link navigates smoothly to the intended section.
  • Fix any broken or incorrect links.
Verify Functionality

Optimize for SEO:

  • Incorporate keywords into anchor text and TOC headings.
  • Ensure the TOC enhances search engine visibility while maintaining usability.

Regular Updates:

  • Periodically review the TOC for accuracy, especially if content is updated or restructured.
  • Keep it aligned with new sections or modified headings.
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